How difficult is to believe in times of desperation?
I see a light at the end of the tunnel, I believe it's white and bright, but sometimes I feel the hard involving darkness of this long tunnel.
I'm having troubles, nothing new, and I'm solving them, I think.
I'm still dealing with the semiotics of my trademark, I recently found it means something "funny" in some how, nevertheless, there is not point of return for me. It's just too much work the trademarks.
I visited my future accounting firm, time to make more real decisions. It has to be done, I can't be long without an accountant but it's going to make me bleed since it won't be cheap.
I will receive the contract to review it next week, sign it and send it to the accounting firm to legally formalise our business relations. I hope to receive as well next week the official trade registration from the government.
I need to contact more people through internet, which I hope it won't be problematic but it takes time to built relationships.
I went to watch Alice in Wonderland 3D by Tim Burton. I have to say that I was very interested a couple of weeks ago, but later on I lost totally the interest since I heard it was just a normal "movie" but in 3D with colors, pretty different from the beautiful graphics from Avatar. I found Avatar as many of my friends told me, the story is nothing special, but the colors, landscapes are amazing, and they were right. However, the movie didn't touch me, unfortunately. Alice in Wonderland made me live the story, along with the music that took my hand and lift me into the crazy colors and the endless philosophical life questions. Who am I? Where am I? Where am I going? Where do I want to go? Why? How? When?
My favorite part: "I believe in as many as six impossible things before breakfast. Count them, Alice":
1) "There are drinks that make you shrink.
2) There are foods that make you grow.
3) Animals can talk.
4) Cats can grin.
5) There is a place called Underland.
6) I can slay a Jabberwocky."
Let's emulate Charles Dodgson or Tim Burton's version:
I believe in 6 impossible things before breakfast:
1) My murdered beloved cousin and my dead grandparents, and all the people who loved me in life and passed away, are helping me wherever they are, my guardians and angels.
2) I can change the world
3) I'm making history
4) Love is not forever
5) I can forgive
6) I can create a multinational company
Don't you try to stop me!
p.s. link: