What happened in the next following months has been a mixture of lots of planing, a couple of mistakes and couple of good decisions.
Potkuri made couple of nice mistakes, they didn't give me all the needed information, spoken nor written, nor a guide or help what about certain issues that will definitely affect my business. They just cared for "the money" to register the company and nothing else (even though they knew that I couldn't register the name of my company, they registered it because they didn't care if it was good or wrong, as long as they would get the money).
A nice advice: Don't trust the "experts" a 100%
The resolution regarding about the start-up money was clear and short, since I already registered my business I will not get any help. Even though I was never explained the whole procedure (I could have read it on Internet I assume so also my mistake).
At the beginning of this month I explained my situation to the capital city's institute for the small businesses. I got an appointment to explain my case on 28th of September with Miss Katariina Rantanen.
The appointment went "ok", more professional for sure, I got more information and a list of things that would be optimal to find out. However, since I already registered my business now I have two options.
A) Close my business and start the whole process again. This means I will be in a status limbo where I would have to wait for about 1-2 months for a resolution, it could be positive or it could be negative. Whatever I've worked so far, it would have to be paused, in a way.
Positive: I could get the start-up money
Negative: I would just stop everything for a negative resolution and then I have to pay everything again.
B) I try to apply for the bloody bank loan again. It will give to my business more solvency and since my business is more landed and realistic, then my chances have improved more since last year. However, I must change different things in my business, such as the legal status, some extra insurances, etc. = more money into it.
Positive: A better amount of money to invest in the whole project.
Negative: a "No" as an answer and either if it's yes, a loan responsibility.
It is a tricky situation, however this is the business world, and real business when you have to think what is cleaver to do.
What I think:
1) Closing down my business would be to go back to ground zero, and even though the results could be economically good, then I have to stop "officially" any activities.
2) I have already a contract for 1 year with the bank, which probably means I have to pay it off no matter what.
3) The bank loan sounds even more tricky since their decision could take time and I had already presented my project and it was rejected. My project has developed more since November, it is more realistic and the general ground strategy is better, but then I would need to wait and wait. Probably until January and that's a period of time that I can't take as a holiday.
4) The local enterprise institute guideline and advices are good, of course it is done in a way to help me, but also to encourage a LMC which would force a larger amount of investment into the system.
5) Upgrading the company to a LMC is a good thing, less risk for myself, but it requires more money. Money that could be located in manufacturing, services and development, not lawyers, banks, insurances, etc.
What I'm thinking to do:
1) I would say that an entrepreneur insurance is enough for the moment.
2) I have to maximize my resources, no other option.
3) Work harder and more in areas where I can do such a job, perhaps not with the best professional quality, but with the best quality my own skills allow me.
4) Reinforce my contacts and friends in order to get some help in such areas where I need professional help.
5) Prepare and have ready as many things as possible in case I need to suddenly move again. Either small village, capital city, small city, country, etc.
6) Keep my self confidence in my project, in my business and in myself.
7) Do not loose my internal peace and calm.
8) Continue with plan B, C, D, E, etc. as many plans as possible no matter if plan A is always working.
9) Have fun, this is being an entrepreneur and despite I can't have a minute of rest. There is light, I just know it.
What do you think?
Suggestions, advices, supports, and constructive critics or just a "hi" are more than welcome!
No sauna, but I look to the sky, contemplate the moon and I have to smile. I'm alive.
p.s. Terrible but I was extremely busy to write down something on 24th of September. The day when I started my business project :) late Happy Birthday!
definately 3), 4), 8) & 9). Good luck!! great capture of the moon btw :)
SvaraRaderaThanks! Takk! :)
SvaraRaderaI'm working hard in all the points!
Greetings to Norge!
p.s. The picture was taken by Mikko Suha.