I sent one e-mail last week to the Director of Företagar Förbundet (Swedish companies' assosiation), Camilla Littorin, and another e-mail to the Danish enterprises association, Copenhagen Capacity, with a couple of general questions regarding about financing small and medium enterprises and the names of the main risk capital banks in both countries. So far, no answer yet.
I already started translating the blog in different languages, and I hope to finish four different languages versions within this week.
I assume that many people will wonder how much help can it be to read "how is the opening process of a company in a different country?" specially, when the situation varies so much from one country to another country. Here is what I think, despite the different levels of bureaucracy, financing problems, banks, local cultural problems, corruption, and so on. We entrepreneurs need support, and we understand each others feelings, therefore anyone in my position will definitely understand me. I give to all of you my story and my guidelines, take whatever is helpful to you and please make comments if the information was of any value to you. For the people who might think "it is easier for him, because in that country...", well, I am sorry to disappoint you, but the whole process is as laborious as it is if I was in China, Venezuela, Egypt or USA.
Freda, a friend from China, explained me that in China they do not receive any economical support for opening a company (like in many countries around the world). She is an entrepreneur and she did manage to create her own company from scratch. Women power and cleverness. If she could do it, I can do it.
Another friend of mine, Carlos, explained me a bit the long bureaucratic way of getting a loan in Mexico in his own words "you lose the motivation". I just hope to be able to keep my motivation.
We all wish that money grows from the trees, but not in this capitalist world.
I called today to the financial manager Karina Fogel of Finnvera regarding about the situation of my application, but she was busy in another appointment. The secretary told me to hold on and then she hung up the telephone. I wonder if I should call tomorrow or let them contact me.
I guess I just have to believe...
Otherwise I had a nice weekend surrounded by friends and drinking a lot in different parties.