Many multinationals have been born in garages, in kitchens or in student accommodation. Many were born in moments of grief, in desperate situations, in funny ones, perhaps with arrogant attitudes or in moments of love and happiness.
I wonder in which category my idea will fall. I guess it will just be a mixture of everything.
I started my business plan from my favorite part, the market analysis, perhaps not the right place to start from, but I did manage to write a large part of it.
Since the "Passion" was getting stronger and stronger I realized it brought along positive feelings about myself again.
Why is it important to feel the "Passion"? A passion brings with it faith and faith makes you believe, believe in yourself, believe in people, believe in the world, believe in life, believe that you can make it. You are able to reach the highest point of the world, just by believing...
Without "Passion" everything is just normal routine, a normal day, a normal job...
The first time I made a business plan, 11 years ago, it was made as if in prehistoric times compared to today. I had a book, a guide and lots of texts to be read and researched. Internet was available, of course, but it definitely was not very advanced, and it didn´t have all the information and all the different sources that we have today = I wonder how it will be in 10 years´ time?
I easily found different web pages about How to write a Business Plan, How to start a business, videos, blogs, people I could ask for advice, so basically to create a business nowadays just requires willingness, attitude and a sufficiently strong character to be able to see it through.
I started writing my business plan in September 2009, but it wasn't until the end of September 2009 when I wrote Chapter one: Idea plan :)
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