tisdag 19 januari 2010

11) Week 3

The week has started with some nice windy weather... and we still have lots of snow :P

Haiti's tragedy is still in the news and it will be soon one week since the disaster. My best wishes to the Haitians in these moments of pain.

There was an article in the newspaper HBL about importing clothes to Finland. A good friend of mine told me that the regulations are very strict, however, it all depends on who is importing. The customs has been sending her threats of sending her imported clothes' shipment of 15-20 kg to their laboratory for which she should pay the fee of 500€. However, it seems to be the same payment for a whole H & M container: 5kg of clothes or 500 kg of clothes, it´s all 500€, it makes sense!

Finnvera hasn't contacted me yet, but I've already started to translate the business plan into Swedish, Danish and German.

I think it is always important to have a plan B, plan C, plan D, plan E, and so on. It is not my intention just to jump off to the next country, but since the cultural factor plays an important role in the creation of a business I must be aware that my idea might not be accepted in conservative societies, but in more business oriented ones.

Let's see....

p.d. There is sauna this evening at my friend's :)

2 kommentarer:

  1. This business sounds fun! Thanks for stopping by my blog it is normally more upbeat!

  2. Thanks. I'm doing my best.

    ps. I like your cats :) and your cute baby of course
